Canapes A La Trinidad Recipe
Half the white meat from one boiled chicken
1 pair of sweetbreads
6 large fresh mushrooms
2 level tablespoonfuls of butter
2 level tablespoonfuls of flour
½ pint of milk
2 yolks of hard-boiled eggs
1 level teaspoonful of salt
1 saltspoonful of pepper
Cut twelve slices of bread; trim the crusts so the slices will be of
even size. Cut out the centers from one-half the slices, leaving a wall
of one inch. Toast the solid slices. Brush the untoasted edge of the
bread with a little white of egg, lay on the rims and put them in the
oven to toast on the upper side. Pick the sweetbreads apart, after they
are carefully cooked, rejecting the membrane. Slice the mushrooms. Cut
the chicken into dice. Put the butter into a saucepan, add the
mushrooms, toss for a minute until the mushrooms are slightly softened,
then add the flour, mix, and add the milk, salt and pepper. Cover this
on the back part of the stove for ten or fifteen minutes until the
mushrooms are cooked; then add the meat. Stand this over hot water ten
or fifteen minutes. The toast should now be done and crisp. Arrange each
canapé on a square of lace paper on an individual heated dish, put the
mixture in the center, garnish with the yolk of the eggs pressed through
a sieve. Garnish the very top with a little chopped truffle or a little
chopped parsley. These are the handsomest of all hot canapés, and while
they are usually served following the soup at dinner, they may be used
for the main course at a ladies' luncheon, or at a supper.