Noodle Pudding Recipe
Put two ounces and a half of noodles in a pint of boiling milk and cook
until stiff like mush. Remove from the fire, and stir in one ounce and a
half of butter, one ounce of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped
almonds, a few drops of extract of almond, when cool add three eggs and
a quarter of a cup of cream beaten together, and turn the mixture into a
well buttered mould sprinkled thoroughly with fine sifted bread crumbs.
Set the mould in a pan of boiling water in the oven, cover to prevent
browning, and if the mould has a pipe through the center bake half an
hour, if a plain mould it will require three-quarters of an hour. Turn
out of the mould and serve hot with a sauce.