
Summer Pie Recipe

1/2 peck green peas.

1 cabbage lettuce.

1 onion.

1 egg.

1 tablespoon chopped mint.

1/2 teaspoon salt.

Puff or short paste.

Shell the peas, and boil them in a little water with the salt and onion

sliced. Well wash the lettuce, shred it, place in a pie-dish, and when

the peas are done, add them, including the liquor in which they have

been boiled (if there be more liquor than the pie-dish will conveniently

hold, it should be added after the pie is cooked). Sprinkle the mint

over the top, cover with paste in the usual way, brush over with the

beaten egg, and bake in a rather hot oven for about three-quarters of an




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