Stir into a pint of good lively yeast a table-spoonful of salt, and rye
or wheat flour to make a thick batter. When risen, stir in Indian meal
till of the right consistency to roll out. When risen again, roll them
out very thin, cut them into cakes with a tumbler, and dry them in the
shade in clear windy weather. Care must be taken to keep them from the
sun, or they will ferment. When perfectly dry, tie them up in a bag, and
keep them in a cool dry place. To raise four or five loaves of bread,
take one of these cakes, and put to it a little lukewarm milk or water.
When dissolved, stir in a couple of table-spoonsful of flour, set it
near the fire--When light, use it for your dough. Yeast cakes will keep
good five or six months. They are very convenient to use in summer, as
common yeast is so apt to ferment.