
Another Way Recipe

Put five pounds of fine flour in a large basin; add to it eight eggs

unbeat, yolks and whites; dissolve half a pound of sugar over the fire,

in a choppin (or a Scotch quart) of new milk; add all this to the flour

with half a mutchkin, (one English pint) of new yest; mix it well, and

set it before a good fire covered with a cloth. Let it stand half an

hour, then work it up with a little more flour, and let it stand half an

hour longer. Then take it out of the basin, and make it up on a board

into small round or square biscuits, place them upon sheets of white

iron, and set them before the fire, covered with a cloth, till they

rise, which will be in half an hour. Put them into the oven, just when

the bread is taken out; shut the oven till the biscuits turn brown on

the top; then take them out, and cut them through.



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