
Baked Shad Recipe

From MRS. JAMES R. DEANE, of California, Lady Manager.
Skin the fish and cut flesh into filets; put the skin and bones into a
saucepan with water enough to cover them; let this boil to make the
stock for the gravy. Now wipe the filets dry and roll them up with the
skin side inward to make them stand firm; place the filets on a
buttered baking tin, first rolling them into bread crumbs. When ready
to cook, squeeze over each filet about a teaspoonful lemon juice and
put on each a piece of Maître d'Hotel butter; cover with a buttered
paper and cook about ten minutes.
_To Make Maître d'Hotel Butter_--Work one tablespoonful of butter
to a cream; squeeze in the juice of one-half a lemon; one-quarter
saltspoonful cayenne; one tablespoonful finely chopped parsley. Put
butter on ice to cool before using.
_Sauce for this Dish_--Two tablespoonfuls of butter, melted; two
tablespoonfuls of flour, stirred into the butter and cook for ten
minutes. Then put in a small pinch of cayenne pepper and a cupful of
fish stock and cook for ten minutes. Then put in juice of one-half
lemon, a tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, and just before
serving put in two tablespoonfuls of cream.



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