
Bechamel No 2 Recipe

Two pounds of lean veal, cut in square pieces, half an inch thick; half

a pound of lean ham. Melt in your stewpan two ounces of butter; simmer

it until nearly ready to catch the stewpan, which must be avoided: add

three table-spoonfuls of flour. When well mixed, add three pints of

broth, or water, pouring in a little at a time that the thickening may

be smooth. Stir till it boils; set it on the corner of the hob to boil

gently for two hours. Season with an onion, twelve peppercorns, a few

mushrooms, a faggot of parsley, a sprig of thyme, and a bay-leaf. Let

the sauce be reduced to a quart; skim off the fat; and strain through a




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