Rub exceedingly fine two ounces of good butter in a pound and three
quarters of fine flour. Mix a table-spoonful of yest in half a pint of
warm milk; set a light sponge in the flour till it rises for an hour;
beat up one or two eggs in half a spoonful of fine sugar, and intermix
it with the sponge, adding to it a little less than half a pint of warm
milk with a tea-spoonful of salt. Mix all up to a light dough, and keep
it warm, to rise again for another hour. Then break it in pieces, and
roll them to the thickness of your finger of the proper length; lay them
on tin plates, and set them in a warm stove for an hour more. Then touch
them over with a little milk, and bake them in a slow oven with care. To
take off the bitterness from the yest, mix one pint of it in two gallons
of water, and let it stand for twenty-four hours; then throw off the
water, and the yest is fit for use; if not, repeat it.