Take three quarts of new milk; put in as much runnet as will turn it;
whey the curds very clean; break them small with your hands; put in nine
yolks of eggs and one white, a handful of grated bread, half a handful
of flour, and a little salt. Mix these well together, working it well
with your hands; roll it into small loaves, and bake them in a quick
oven three quarters of an hour. Then take half a pound of butter, four
spoonfuls of clear water, half a nutmeg sliced very thin, and a little
sugar. Set it on a quick fire, stirring it quickly, and let it boil till
thick. When the loaves are baked, cut out the top and stir up the crumb
with a knife; then pour some of the butter into each of them, and cover
them up again. Strew a little sugar on them: before you set them in the
oven, beat the yolk of an egg and a little beer together, and with a
feather smear them over with it.