Clear Almond Cakes Recipe
Take the small sort of almonds; steep them in cold water till they will
blanch, and as you blanch them throw them into water. Wipe them dry, and
beat them in a stone mortar, with a little rose-water, and as much
double-refined sugar, sifted, as will make them into clear paste. Roll
them into any size you please; then dry them in an oven after bread has
been drawn, so that they may be dry on both sides; when they are cold,
make a candy of sugar; wet it a little with rose-water; set it on the
fire; stir it till it boils, then take it off, and let it cool a little.
With a feather spread it over the cakes on one side; lay them upon
papers on a table; take the lid of a baking-pan, put some coals on it,
and set it over the cakes to raise the candy quickly. When they are
cold, turn the other side, and serve it in the same manner.