Coffee To Make The Foreign Way Recipe
Take Demarara--Bean Dutch coffee--in preference to Mocha coffee; wash it
well. When it is very clean, put it in an earthen vessel, and cover it
close, taking great care that no air gets to it; then grind it very
thoroughly. Put a good half pint of coffee into a large coffee-pot, that
holds three quarts, with a large table-spoonful of mustard; then pour
upon it boiling water. It is of great consequence that the water should
boil; but do not fill the coffee-pot too full, for fear of its boiling
over, and losing the aromatic oil. Then pour the whole contents
backwards and forwards several times into a clean cup or basin, wiping
the basin or cup each time--this will clear it sufficiently. Let it then
stand ten minutes, after which, when cool, pour it clear off the grounds
steadily, into clean bottles, and lay them down on their sides, well
corked. Do not throw away your coffee grounds, but add another
table-spoonful of mustard to them, and fill up the vessel with boiling
water, doing as before directed. Be sure to cork the bottles well; lay
them down on one side, and before you want to use them set them up for a
couple of hours, in case any sediment should remain. Let it come to the
boil, always taking care that it is neither smoked nor boils over. All
coffee should be kept on a lamp while you are using it.
By following this receipt as much coffee will be obtained for threepence
as you would otherwise get for a shilling; and it is the best possible