Cream To Fry Recipe
Take two spoonfuls of fine flour and the yolks of four eggs; grate in
the rind of one lemon; beat them well with the flour, and add a pint of
cream. Mix these very well together; sweeten to your taste, and add a
bit of cinnamon. Put the whole in a stewpan over a slow fire; continue
to stir it until it is quite hot; but it must not boil. Take out the
cinnamon; beat two eggs very well, and put them into the cream; butter a
pewter dish; pour the cream in it; put it into a warm oven to set, but
not to colour it. When cold, cut it into pieces, and have ready a
stewpan or frying-pan, with a good deal of lard; dredge the cream with
flour; fry the pieces of a light brown, grate sugar over them, glaze
with a salamander, and serve them very hot.