
Currants Or Barberries To Dry In Bunches Recipe

When the currants, or barberries, (which should be maiden barberries)

are stoned and tied up in bunches, take to one pound of them a pound and

a half of sugar. To each pound of sugar put half a pint of water; boil

the syrup well, and put the fruit into it. Set it on the fire; let it

just boil, and then take it off. Cover it close with white paper; let it

stand till next day; then make it scalding hot, and let it stand two or

three days, covered close with paper. Lay it in earthen plates; sprinkle

over it fine sugar, put it on a stove to dry; lay it on sieves till one

side is dry; then turn and sift sugar on it. When dry enough lay it

between papers.



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