Devonshire Sauce Recipe
Cut any quantity of young walnuts into small pieces; sprinkle a little
salt on them; next day, pound them in a mortar and squeeze the juice
through a coarse thin cloth, such as is used for cheese. To a pint of
juice add a pound of anchovies, and boil them slowly till the anchovies
are dissolved. Strain it; add half a pint of white wine vinegar, half an
ounce of mace, half an ounce of cloves, and forty peppercorns; boil it a
quarter of an hour, and, when cold, rack it off and bottle it. A quarter
of a pint of vinegar put to the dregs that have been strained off, and
well boiled up, makes an excellent seasoning for the cook's use in
hashes, fish sauce, &c.