Excellent Breakfast Cakes Recipe
Water the yest well that it may not be bitter; change the water very
often; put a very little sugar and water to it just as you are going to
use it; this is done to lighten and set it fermenting. As soon as you
perceive it to be light, mix up with it new milk warmed, as if for other
bread; put no water to it; about one pound or more of butter to about
sixteen or eighteen cakes, and a white of two of egg, beat very light;
mix all these together as light as you can; then add flour to it, and
beat it at least a quarter of an hour, until it is a tough light dough.
Put it to the fire and keep it warm, and warm the tins on which the
cakes are to be baked. When the dough has risen, and is light, beat it
down, and put it to the fire again to rise, and repeat this a second
time; it will add much to the lightness of the cakes. Make them of the
size of a saucer, or thereabouts, and not too thick, and bake them in a
slow oven. The dough, if made a little stiffer, will be very good for
rolls; but they must be baked in a quicker oven.