
Fish Sauce No 13 Recipe

Take two quarts of claret or port, a pint, or more, to your taste, of

the best vinegar, which should be tart, one pound of anchovies unwashed,

the pickle of them and all, half an ounce of mace, half a quarter of an

ounce of cloves, six or eight races of ginger, a good piece of

horseradish, a spoonful of cayenne pepper, half the peel of a lemon, a

bunch of winter savory and thyme, and three or four onions, a piece of

garlic, and one shalot. Stew all these over a slow fire for an hour;

then strain the liquor through a coarse sieve, and bottle it. You may

stew the ingredients over again with more wine and vinegar for present

use. When you use it, it must be put into the saucepan with the butter,

instead of water, and melt it together. If you keep it close stopped, it

will be good many years.



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