Put one pound of hartshorn shavings to three quarts of spring water;
boil it very gently over a slow fire till it is reduced to one quart,
then strain it through a fine sieve into a basin; let it stand till
cold; then just melt it, and put to it half a pint of white wine, a pint
of good thick cream, and four spoonfuls of orange-flower water. Scald
the cream, and let it be cold before you mix it with the wine and jelly;
sweeten it with double-refined sugar to your taste, and then beat it all
one way for an hour and a half at least, for, if you are not careful in
thus beating, it will neither mix nor even look to please you. Dip the
moulds first in water, that they may turn out well. Keep the flummery in
cups a day before you use it; when you serve it, stick it with blanched
almonds, cut in thin slices. Calves' feet may serve instead of hartshorn