Boil one pound of hartshorn shavings over a very gentle fire, in two
quarts of water, till it is reduced to one quart; let it settle, and
strain it off. Put to this liquor the whites of eight or nine eggs, and
four or five of their shells, broken very fine, the whites well beaten,
the juice of seven or eight lemons, or part oranges; sweeten with the
best sugar, and add above a pint of Rhenish or Lisbon wine. Mix all
these well together, and boil over a quick fire, stirring all the time
with a whisk. As soon as it boils up, strain it through a flannel bag,
throwing it backward and forward till it is perfectly clear. Boil
lemon-peel in it to flavour it. The last time of passing it through the
bag, let it drip into the moulds or glasses.