Lemons No 4 Recipe
Quarter the lemons lengthwise, taking care not to cut them so low as to
separate; put a table-spoonful of salt into each. Set them on a pewter
dish; dry them very slowly in a cool oven or in the sun; they will take
two or three weeks to dry properly. For a dozen large lemons boil three
quarts of vinegar, with two dozen peppercorns, two dozen allspices, and
four races of ginger sliced. When the vinegar is cold, put it, with the
lemons, the ingredients, and all the salt, into a jar; add a quarter of
a pound of flour of mustard and two dozen cloves of garlic; the garlic
must be peeled and softened in scalding water for a little while, then
covered with salt for three days, and dried before it is put into the
jar. Let the whole remain for two months closely tied down and stirred
every day; then squeeze the lemons well; strain and bottle the liquor.