Mushroom Ketchup No 1 Recipe
Take a bushel of the large flaps of mushrooms, gathered dry, and bruise
them with your hands. Put some of them into an earthen pan; throw some
salt over them; then put in more mushrooms, then more salt, till you
have done. Add half an ounce of beaten mace and cloves, and the same
quantity of allspice; and let them stand five or six days, stirring them
every day. Tie a paper over and bake for four hours in a slow oven;
strain out the liquor through a cloth, and let it stand to settle. Pour
it off clear from the sediment: to every gallon of liquor put a quart of
red wine; if not salt enough, add a little more salt, with a race of
ginger cut small, and half an ounce of cloves and mace, and boil till
reduced nearly one third. Strain it through a sieve into a pan; next day
pour it from the settlings, and bottle it for use.