Mustard Pickle Recipe
Cut cabbages, cauliflowers, and onions, in small pieces or slices; salt
them together, and let them stand in the salt for a few days. Then take
them up in a strainer that the brine may run off; put them in a jar that
will hold three quarts; take enough vinegar to cover them; boil it up,
pour it on them, and cover it till next day. Pour the vinegar off, take
the same quantity of fresh vinegar, of black pepper, ginger, and Jamaica
pepper, each one ounce; boil them up together, let the liquor stand till
cold; then mix four tea-spoonfuls of turmeric, and six ounces of flour
of mustard, which pour on them cold. Cover the pickle up close; let it
stand three weeks; and it will be fit for use. The spices must be put in