
Orange Cakes Recipe

Put the Seville oranges you intend to use into water for two days. Pare

them very thick, and boil the rind tender. Mince it fine; squeeze in the

juice; take out all the meat from the strings and put into it. Then take

one-fourth more than its weight in double-refined sugar; wet it with

water, and boil it almost to sugar again. Cool it a little; put in the

orange, and let it scald till it looks clear and sinks in the syrup, but

do not let it boil. Put it into deep glass plates, and stove them till

they are candied on the tops. Turn them out, and shape them as you

please with a knife. Continue to turn them till they are dry; keep them

so, and between papers.

Lemon cakes are made in the same way, only with half the juice.



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