Plain Rice Pudding Recipe
Take a quarter of a pound of whole rice, wash and pick it clean; put it
into a saucepan, with a quart of new milk, a stick of cinnamon, and
lemon-peel shred fine. Boil it gently till the rice is tender and thick,
and stir it often to keep it from burning. Take out the cinnamon and
lemon-peel; put the rice into an earthen pan to cool; beat up the yolks
of four eggs and the whites of two. Stir them into the rice; sweeten it
to the palate with moist sugar; put in some lemon or Seville orange-peel
shred very fine, a few bitter almonds, and a little grated nutmeg and
ginger. Mix all well together; lay a puff paste round the dish, pour in
the pudding, and bake it.