Take eight pounds and three quarters of fine flour well dried and
sifted, one ounce of beaten mace, one pound and a half of sugar. Mix
them together, and take one quart of cream and six pounds of butter, put
together, and set them over the fire till the butter is melted. Then
take thirty-three eggs, one quart of yest, and twelve spoonfuls of sack;
put it into the flour, stir it well together, and, when well mixed, set
it before the fire to rise for an hour. Then take ten pounds of currants
washed and dried, and set them to dry before the fire, one pound of
citron minced, one pound of orange and lemon-peel together, sliced. When
your oven is ready, stir your cake thoroughly; put in your sweetmeats
and currants; mix them well in, and put into tin hoops. The quantity
here given will make two large cakes, which will take two hours' baking.