Take three pints of good cream and three quarters of a pound of fine
sugar pounded, twenty eggs, leaving out eight of the whites; beat them
very well and light. Add to them rather more than a pint of sack; beat
them again well; then set it on a stove; make it so hot that you can
just endure your finger at the bottom of the pan, and not hotter; stir
it all one way; put the cream on the fire just to boil up, and be ready
at the time the sack is so. Boil in it a blade of mace, and put it
boiling hot to the eggs and sack, which is to be only scalding hot. When
the cream is put in, just stir it round twice; take it off the fire;
cover it up close when it is put into the mould or dish you intend it
for, and it will jelly. Pour the cream to the eggs, holding it as high
from them as possible.