Boil all the ordinary strawberries you can spare in the water in which
you mean to put the sugar to make the syrup for the strawberries. Take
three quarters of a pound of the finest scarlet or pine strawberries;
add to them one pound and a quarter of sugar, which dip in the
above-mentioned strawberry liquor; then boil the strawberries quick, and
skim them clear once. When cold, remove them out of the pan into a China
bowl. If you touch them while hot, you break or bruise them. Keep them
closely covered with white paper till the currants are ripe, every now
and then looking at them to see if they ferment or want heating up
again. Do it if required, and put on fresh papers. When the currants are
ripe, boil up the strawberries; skim them well; let them stand till
almost cold, and then take them out of the syrup very carefully. Lay
them on a lawn sieve, with a dish under them to catch the syrup; then
strain the syrup through another lawn sieve, to clear it of all the bits
and seeds; add to this syrup full half a pint of red and white currant
juice, in equal quantities of each; then boil it quick about ten
minutes, skimming it well. When it jellies, which you may know by trying
it in a spoon, add the strawberries to it, and let them just simmer
without boiling. Put them carefully into the pots, but, for fear of the
strawberries settling at the bottom, put in a little of the jelly first
and let it set; then put in the strawberries and jelly; watch them a
little till they are cold, and, as the strawberries rise above the
syrup, with a tea-spoon gently force them down again under it. In a few
days put on brandy papers--they will turn out in a firm jelly.