
Vol-au-vent Recipe

Take a sufficient quantity of puff-paste, cut it to the shape of the

dish, and make it as for an apple pie, only without a top. When baked,

put it on a sheet of writing paper, near the fire, to drain the butter,

till dinner time. Then take two fowls, which have been previously

boiled; cut them up as for a fricassee, but leave out the back. Prepare

a sauce, the white sauce as directed for boiled fowls. Wash a

table-spoonful of mushrooms in three or four cold waters; cut them in

half, and add them also; then thoroughly heat up the sauce, and have the

chicken also ready heated in a little boiling water, in which put a

little soup jelly. Strain the liquor from the chicken; pour a little of

the sauce in the bottom of the paste, then lay the wings, &c. in the

paste; pour the rest of the sauce over them, and serve it up hot. The

paste should be well filled to the top, and if there is not sauce enough

more must be added.



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