Walnuts To Preserve Recipe
Take fine large walnuts at the time proper for pickling; prick, with a
large bodkin, seven or eight holes in each to let out the water; keep
them in water till they change colour or no longer look green; then put
them over a fire in cold water to boil, till they feel just soft, but
not too soft. Spread them on a coarse cloth to cool, and take away the
water; stick in each walnut three or four cloves, three or four
splinters of cinnamon, and the same of candied orange; then put them in
pots or glasses. Boil a syrup, but not thick, which, when cold, pour
over the walnuts, and let it stand a day or two; then pour the syrup
off; add some more sugar; boil it up once more, and pour it again over
the walnuts. When cold, tie them up.