
An Old Recipe For Spiced Pickles Recipe

An Old Recipe for Spiced Pickles

History and Fun Facts:

Pickling has been a popular method of preserving vegetables for centuries. The process of pickling not only extends the shelf life of these vegetables but also infuses them with delicious flavors and spices. Among the various pickling recipes, one classic recipe that has stood the test of time is the Old Recipe for Spiced Pickles.

This recipe has been passed down through generations, with its origins dating back several decades. It was often prepared during the harvest season when an abundance of cucumbers were available. Families would gather together to pickle the cucumbers, using this tried and true method to enjoy their favorite pickles throughout the year.

The Old Recipe for Spiced Pickles was known for its simplicity and the bold flavors that infused every bite. The combination of allspice, black pepper, cloves, and horseradish provided a unique and robust taste that made these pickles unforgettable. Let's delve into the recipe and discover how to recreate this classic delight in your own kitchen.

Preparation Time: 24 hours
Pickling Time: 2 weeks

- 500 small cucumbers
- 2 oz. of allspice
- 3 gallons vinegar
- 1/4 pound of black pepper
- 3 quarts salt
- 1 oz cloves
- 6 ounces of alum
- Horseradish to flavor
- Sugar (amount depends on the strength of vinegar)


1. Begin by thoroughly washing the 500 small cucumbers. Trim off the ends and any blemishes, ensuring they are fresh and ready for pickling.

2. Take a large stone jar and layer the cucumbers and pieces of horseradish alternately. This will ensure that each pickle is permeated with the distinct flavor of the horseradish.

3. Sprinkle 3 quarts of salt evenly over the cucumbers and horseradish layers.

4. Boil enough water to cover the cucumbers in the stone jar. Pour the boiling water over them, ensuring they are completely submerged. Allow the pickles to stand in this brine for 24 hours.

5. After 24 hours, pour off the brine and thoroughly wash the pickles in cold water. This step will remove any excess salt and prepare the pickles for the next stage of the pickling process.

6. In a large pot, combine 2 oz. of allspice, 1/4 pound of black pepper, 1 oz. of cloves, and 3 gallons of vinegar. Adjust the amount of sugar to be added according to the strength of the vinegar. The vinegar's acidity can vary, so the amount of sugar should be adjusted to balance the flavors.

7. Heat the pot over medium heat and bring the mixture of spices and vinegar to a boil. Allow it to simmer for a few minutes, ensuring that the flavors are fully combined.

8. Carefully pour the hot spice and vinegar mixture over the prepared pickles in the stone jar. Ensure that all the pickles are fully covered with the liquid.

9. Seal the stone jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for two weeks. During this time, the cucumbers will absorb the flavors of the spices and vinegar, resulting in delicious and tangy pickles.

10. After two weeks, the Old Recipe for Spiced Pickles will be ready to use. The pickles will have developed a rich and vibrant taste that is both satisfying and addictive. Serve them alongside your favorite dishes or enjoy them as a tasty snack.

Pickles made using this recipe are known for their excellent quality. The combination of the aromatic spices and tangy vinegar creates a well-balanced flavor profile that is sure to delight your taste buds. These pickles can be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator for an extended period, allowing you to enjoy their taste for months to come.

Similar Recipe Dishes:

If you enjoy the Old Recipe for Spiced Pickles, you may also find pleasure in exploring other classic pickling recipes. Some popular options include:

1. Bread and Butter Pickles: These pickles are made with cucumbers, onions, vinegar, sugar, and a blend of spices. The result is a sweet and tangy pickle that pairs well with sandwiches and salads.

2. Dill Pickles: Dill pickles are a staple in many households. They utilize fresh dill, garlic, and a brine consisting of vinegar and salt to create a crunchy and flavorful pickle.

3. Pickled Jalapenos: If you prefer a bit of heat, pickled jalapenos can add a spicy kick to any meal. With the combination of jalapenos, vinegar, garlic, and spices, these pickles are perfect for Mexican-inspired dishes or as a standalone snack.

Experimenting with different flavors and combinations will undoubtedly lead you to discover your personal favorite pickle recipes. The art of pickling offers limitless possibilities, so feel free to explore and create your own unique pickling variations.



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