
Boiled Ham Recipe

The history of boiled ham dates back centuries, and it has remained a popular dish to this day. Boiling ham is a method that has likely been used for centuries due to its simplicity and ability to yield a tender and flavorful result. It is believed that boiling ham originated in Europe, where it was a common cooking technique used to preserve and prepare meats. Throughout the years, this method has been adapted and modified by different cultures and regions, resulting in various regional variations of boiled ham recipes.

One fun fact about boiled ham is that it was a staple food in many households during World War II. Due to rationing and limited resources, boiled ham became a popular choice as it could be prepared using simple ingredients and minimal effort. Families would often save leftover boiled ham to use in sandwiches or other dishes throughout the week.

Now, let's go through a step-by-step recipe for boiled ham:

- 1 ham (medium-sized)
- 2 dozen whole cloves
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- Fine bread crumbs


1. Before cooking, carefully scrape, wash, and trim the ham to remove any impurities. This step is crucial to ensure the ham is clean and safe to consume.

2. Place the ham in a large cook pot or boiler, and partly cover it with cold water. It is essential to use a pot that is large enough to accommodate the ham comfortably.

3. Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer. The water should only bubble gently around the edges of the boiler. Maintaining a gentle simmer is crucial for tenderizing the ham without overcooking it.

4. Cook the medium-sized ham for approximately five to six hours. To check for doneness, insert a fork into the ham. If it comes out easily, the ham is cooked and ready to be removed from the boiler.

5. Take the ham out of the boiler and carefully remove the skin. Discard any discolored portions of the smoked end.

6. Using a knife, stick 2 dozen whole cloves into the thick fat of the ham. This will infuse the ham with a warm and aromatic flavor.

7. Sprinkle a couple of tablespoonfuls of brown sugar and fine bread crumbs over the top of the ham. These ingredients will add a subtle sweetness and a crunchy texture to the dish.

8. Preheat your oven to a high temperature, and place the ham inside for a short time, until the fat turns a golden brown. Keep a close eye on the ham to prevent it from scorching.

9. Once the ham has been cooked and cooled, slice it thinly and serve. Boiled ham is often enjoyed as a main course, accompanied by side dishes such as mashed potatoes, sautéed vegetables, or a fresh salad.

Optional variation: If you want to enhance the flavor of the ham, you can add a pint of cider to the water in which the ham is boiled. This will impart a subtle fruity note to the ham and further enhance its taste.

Similar to boiled ham, there are several other delicious dishes that can be made using ham as the main ingredient. Some popular options include glazed ham, honey-baked ham, and ham and cheese quiche. These dishes offer different textures and flavors while showcasing the versatility of ham in various culinary preparations. Whether boiled, glazed, or baked, ham remains a timeless and beloved ingredient in many households worldwide.


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