Wash, scrape and cut one pint of carrots in small cubes, cook until
tender, drain and reserve one-half cup of carrot water. Mix carrots
well with one pint cooked green peas. Sprinkle with two tablespoons of
flour, salt, pepper and sugar to taste, add two tablespoons of fat or
butter, one-half cup of milk or soup stock and carrot water, boil a
little longer and serve.
Make the pfärvel. Heat one-quarter cup of butter or other fat, add the
pfärvel and when golden brown, add one quart of boiling water, one-half
cup of sugar, one-half teaspoon of salt, aid one can or one-half peck of
green peas strained. Set in moderate oven and bake one-half hour or
until every kernel stands out separately. Serve hot.