Pea PurÉe Recipe
Pick over and wash two cups of dried peas. Soak them over night or for
several hours in cold water. Put them on to boil in three pints of
fresh, cold water and let them simmer until dissolved. Keep well scraped
from the sides of the kettle.
When soft, nib through a strainer, add a little boiling water or soup
stock, add one and one-half teaspoons of salt, one-half teaspoon of
sugar and a speck of white pepper, and beat the mixture well.
Put hard brisket fat chopped in small pieces, about one-eighth of a
pound will be sufficient, into a spider and cook until a light yellow,
add a large onion, cut in dice and continue cooking with the fat until
brown. Serve the purée like mashed potatoes. Pour the onion and fat over
it before serving. Serve hot.