
Baba À La Parisienne Recipe

Prepare the yeast as above; cream a scant cup of butter with four
tablespoons of sugar, the grated peel of a lemon, add five eggs, one at
a time, stirring each egg a few minutes before you add the next. Have
ready two cups of sifted flour and add two spoonfuls between each egg
until all is used. Make a soft dough of the yeast, a scant cup of
lukewarm milk, add two spoonfuls between each egg until all is used up,
a pinch of salt, and one cup of flour. Let it rise for fifteen minutes.
Now mix all well, rub the form with butter, and blanch one-half cup of
almonds, cut into long strips and strew all over the form. Fill in the
mixture or cake batter, let it rise two hours and bake very slowly.



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