
Cream Of Pea Soup Recipe

Cream of Pea Soup is a delightful and comforting dish that has been enjoyed for generations. This soup, made from tender green peas, is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. It can be served as a light lunch or as an appetizer before a main meal. In this recipe, I will guide you step by step on how to make a creamy and flavorful Cream of Pea Soup.

Before we dive into the recipe, let's take a moment to appreciate the history and fun facts about this delightful soup. The origins of Cream of Pea Soup can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where peas were cultivated and used in various dishes. Peas have a rich history, dating back thousands of years. They were cultivated in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and were considered a staple food in many cultures. Peas were introduced to North America by early European settlers and quickly became a popular crop.

Now, let's get started with the recipe for Cream of Pea Soup.

- 1/4 peck (approximately 4 cups) of fresh or frozen green peas
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon of butter
- 1 cup of hot milk
- Additional milk or water, if needed


1. Start by cooking the green peas until they are very tender. If using fresh peas, remove them from their pods and add them to a pot of boiling water. Cook for about 5-7 minutes or until they become tender. If using frozen peas, simply follow the instructions on the packaging.

2. Once the peas are cooked, reserve half a cup of peas for later use.

3. Place the remaining cooked peas in a sieve and press them through, extracting the pulp and juice. This will create a smooth and creamy texture for the soup.

4. In a separate saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the flour to the melted butter and whisk until it forms a smooth paste. This paste is called a roux, and it will help thicken the soup.

5. Gradually pour in the hot milk, while stirring continuously to avoid any lumps from forming. For a smoother consistency, you can mix the flour with a little cold milk before adding it to the hot milk.

6. Once the milk is incorporated, add the sieved peas, salt, and pepper to the saucepan. Stir well to combine all the ingredients.

7. Cook the soup over medium heat for a few minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.

8. Finally, add the reserved half a cup of peas to the soup. This will give the soup a burst of freshness and some texture.

9. If you find that the soup is too thick, you can add a small quantity of milk or water to achieve your desired consistency.

10. Continue cooking the soup for a few more minutes until it is heated through.

Once the soup is ready, you can serve it hot in bowls or cups. It can be garnished with a drizzle of cream or a sprinkle of fresh herbs like mint or parsley for an added touch of flavor and aesthetics. Cream of Pea Soup pairs well with crusty bread or a side salad.

Now that you have learned how to make Cream of Pea Soup, let's explore some similar recipes and variations. Cream of Pea Soup is part of a family of cream-based soups that include Cream of Mushroom Soup, Cream of Tomato Soup, and Cream of Potato Soup. These soups are loved for their velvety texture and rich flavors. Other variations of Cream of Pea Soup can include the addition of onions, garlic, or even fresh herbs like thyme or basil.

Cream of Pea Soup is a versatile and customizable dish. If you prefer a chunkier texture, you can reserve more peas and add them as a garnish to the finished soup. Additionally, you can experiment with different seasonings or spices to suit your taste preferences.

In conclusion, Cream of Pea Soup is a classic recipe that has stood the test of time. Its simplicity and deliciousness make it a favorite among soup lovers. Whether you are enjoying it on a cozy winter day or as a refreshing summer appetizer, Cream of Pea Soup is sure to satisfy your taste buds and leave you wanting more.



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