Combine ingredients as directed in the recipe, roll the mixture lightly
between the hands into a ball. Have a plentiful supply of bread crumbs
spread evenly on a board; roll the ball lightly on the crumbs into the
shape of a cylinder, and flatten each end by dropping it lightly on the
board; put it in the egg (to each egg add one tablespoon of water, and
beat together), and with a spoon moisten the croquette completely with
the egg; lift it out on a knife-blade, and again roll lightly in the
crumbs. Have every part entirely covered, so there will be no opening
through which the grease may be absorbed. Where a light yellow color is
wanted, use fresh white crumbs grated from the loaf (or rubbed through a
purée sieve) for the outside, and do not use the yolk of the egg. Coarse
fresh crumbs are used for fish croquettes, which are usually made in the
form of chops, or half heart shape. A small hole is pricked in the
pointed end after frying, and a sprig of parsley inserted. Have all the
croquettes of perfectly uniform size and shape, and lay them aside on a
dish, not touching one another, for an hour or more before frying. This
will make the crust more firm.
The white of an egg alone may be used for egging them, but not the yolk
alone. Whip the egg with the water, just enough to break it, as
air-bubbles in the egg will break in frying, and let the grease
penetrate. Serve the croquettes on a platter, spread them on a napkin
and garnish with sprigs of parsley.