Mead No 1 Recipe
In six gallons of water dissolve fourteen pounds of honey; then add
three or four eggs, with the whites; set it upon the fire, and let it
boil half an hour. Put into it balm, sweet marjoram, and sweet briar, of
each ten sprigs, half an ounce of cinnamon, the same of mace, twenty
cloves, and half a race of ginger sliced very thin: let it boil a
quarter of an hour; then take it off the fire, pour it into a tub, and
let it remain till nearly cold. Take six ounces of syrup of citron, and
one spoonful of ale yest; beat them well together, put it into the
liquor, and let it stand till cold. Take a sufficient quantity of
coarse bread to cover the barrel, and bake it very hard; then take as
much ale yest as will spread it over thin, put it into the liquor, and
let it stand till it comes to a head. Strain it out; put the liquor into
a cask, and add to it a quart of the best Rhenish wine. When it has done
working, stop it up close, and let it stand a month; then draw it out
into bottles; tie the corks down close; and let them stand a month.