Oyster Pates No 1 Recipe
Stew the oysters in their own liquor, but do not let them be too much
done; beard them; take a table-spoonful of pickled mushrooms, wash them
in two or three cold waters to get out the vinegar; then cut each
mushroom into four, and fry them in a little butter dusted over with
flour. Take three table-spoonfuls of veal jelly, and two spoonfuls of
cream; let it boil, stirring all the while; add a small bit of butter.
Season with a pinch of salt, and one of cayenne pepper. Throw the
oysters, which you have kept warm in a cloth near the fire, into the
sauce; see that it is all hot; then have the pates ready, fill them with
the oysters and sauce, and put a top on each. When the paste of oyster
pates is done, remove the tops gently and cleanly with a knife; take out
the flaky part of the paste inside and from the inside of the top; cut
six little pieces of bread square so as to fill the inside; lay on the
top of the paste. Then place them on a sheet of paper in a dish, and put
them before the fire, covering them with a cloth to keep them hot. When
you are going to serve them take out the piece of bread, and fill the
pates with the oysters and sauce.