Potato Croquettes Recipe
From MRS. P. B. WINSTON, of Minnesota, Alternate Lady Manager.
Take large sweet potatoes; parboil them slightly and cut them in
transverse slices. Prepare a deep baking dish and cover the bottom
with a layer of slices; add a little butter, a very little sugar and
nutmeg. Strew over this a few bits of orange peel and add a little
juice of the orange. Fill the dish in like manner, finishing with fine
shred of orange peel. Bake until tender and you will have a dish to
satisfy an epicure.
POTATO PUFF. (A la Geneve)
From MRS. H. F. BROWN, of Minnesota, Lady Manager.
Whip mashed potatoes light and soft, with milk, butter and two raw
eggs; season with pepper and salt, and beat in a few spoonfuls of
powdered cheese. Pile upon a bake-dish and brown nicely. Serve in