
Salmon A La Poele Or Done On The Stove Recipe

Put three or four slices of fillet of veal, and two or three of ham,

having carefully cut off the fat of both, at the bottom of a stewpan,

just the size of the salmon you would serve. Lay the salmon upon it, and

cover it with thin slices of bacon, adding a bunch of parsley,

scallions, two cloves of garlic, and three shalots. Boil it gently over

a moderate stove fire, a quarter of an hour; moisten it with a glass of

champagne, or fine white wine; let it continue to stew slowly till

thoroughly done; and the moment before you serve it strain off the

sauce, laying the salmon in a hot dish. Add to the sauce five or six

spoonfuls of cullis; let it boil up two or three times, and then pour it

over the salmon, and serve up.



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