
Toast Recipe


is very palatable and digestible when properly prepared. Many seem

to think that they have made toast when they brown the outside of a

slice of bread. Have they?

The object in making toast is to evaporate all moisture from the bread,

and holding a slice over the fire to singe does not accomplish this; it

only warms the moisture, making the inside of the bread doughy and

decidedly indigestible. The true way of preparing it is to cut the bread

into slices a quarter of an inch thick, trim off all crust, put the

slices in a pan or plate, place them in the oven--which must not be too

hot--take them out when a delicate brown, and butter at once.

For my own use I dry all home-made bread in this manner.

Dry Toast

should be served within the folds of a napkin if you wish to

keep it hot; toast-racks allow the heat to escape, and they are not


Dip Toast

Prepare the toast as above directed; dip the edges into hot

water quickly, and butter at once. This is also called water toast.

Milk Toast

Wet the pan to be used with cold water, which prevents

burning. Melt an ounce of floured butter; whisk into it a pint of hot

milk; add a little salt; simmer. Prepare four slices of toast; put them

in a deep dish one at a time; pour a little of the milk over each, and

over the last one pour the remainder of the milk.

Anchovy Toast

The best way to prepare this appetizing dish is as

follows: Toast the bread and trim it neatly, and place it near the range

to keep warm; next prepare a "dip," as for ordinary cream toast; spread

a thin layer of anchovy paste on each slice of bread; place in a hot,

deep dish; pour the prepared cream over them, and serve.

Clam Toast

Chop up two dozen small clams into fine pieces; simmer for

thirty minutes in hot water enough to cover them. Beat up the yolks of

two eggs; add a little cayenne and a gill of warmed milk; dissolve half

a teaspoonful of flour in a little cold milk; simmer all together; pour

over buttered toast, and serve.

Marrow-bone Toast

Procure two beef shin-bones about six to eight

inches long; cover them with dough, and wrap them in muslin; pour hot

water enough to cover them, and boil for an hour and a half. Remove

cloth and dough; shake or draw out the marrow with a long-handled fork

upon slices of hot toast. Add salt, cayenne, and, if convenient, a

little chopped celery, and serve.

Oyster Toast

Select fifteen plump oysters; chop them fine, and add

salt, pepper, and a suspicion of nutmeg. Beat up the yolks of two eggs

with a gill of cream; whisk this into the simmering oysters. When set,

pour the whole over slices of buttered toast.

Salmon Toast

It very often occurs that a can of salmon is not all used

at a meal, and yet there is not quite enough for another meal without

other dishes or ingredients added to it. Should this occur, mince the

salmon, heat, and season it and serve it on toast. A poached egg added

to it is quite acceptable.

Tongue Toast

A very nice dish is prepared from cold boiled or potted

tongue. Slice the tongue, and cut each slice into small, fine pieces;

heat it in a pan with a little butter. To prevent burning, moisten with

warm water or clear soup; add salt and pepper; stir into it two beaten

eggs. When set, arrange neatly on toast.

Dainty bits of roast game, fowl, etc., minced, warmed over, and served

on toast are excellent, and show a way of using good material that

would otherwise be wasted.



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