
Turbot Or Barbel To Dress En Maigre Or In A Lean Fashion Recipe

Put into a stewpan a large handful of salt, a pint of water, a clove of

garlic, onions, and all sorts of sweet kitchen herbs, the greater

variety the better, only an equal quantity of each. Boil the whole half

an hour over a slow fire; let it settle. Pour off the clear part of the

sauce, and strain it through a sieve; then put twice as much rich milk

as there is of the brine, and put the fish in it over a very slow fire,

letting it simmer only. When your turbot is done, pour over it any of

the sauces named as being proper for fish in the article Sauces.



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Other Recipes from Fish.

Preliminary Remarks.
Fish Fried In Oil.
Fish Stewed White.
Fish Stewed Brown.
Water Souchy.
Fillets Of Fish.
Baked Haddock.
Baked Mackarel With Vinegar.
Fish Salad.
White Bait.
A Dutch Fricandelle.
Fish Fritters.
Fish Omelet.
Scalloped Fish.
Roman Ragout
Soubise Cutlets
Breakfast Dish Of Beef
Jugged Rabbits
Devilled Meat
Swiss Pates
Veal Shape
Roulades Of Beef
Stewed Sweetbreads