
Water Souchi Recipe

Put on a kettle of water with a good deal of salt in it, and a good many

parsley roots; keep it skimmed very clean, and when it boils up throw in

your perch or whatever fish you use for the purpose. When sufficiently

boiled, take them up and serve them hot. Have ready a pint or more of

water, in which parsley roots have been boiled, till it has acquired a

very strong flavour, and when the fish are dished throw some of this

liquor over them. The Dutch sauce for them is made thus:--To a pint of

white wine vinegar add a blade or two of mace; let it stew gently by the

fire, and, when the vinegar is sufficiently flavoured by the mace, put

into it about a pound of butter. Shake the saucepan now and then, and,

when the butter is quite melted, make all exceedingly hot; have ready

the yolks of four good eggs beaten up. You must continue beating them

while another person gently pours to them the boiling vinegar by

degrees, lest they should curdle; and continue stirring them all the

while. Set it over a gentle fire, still continuing to stir until it is

very hot and of the thickness you desire; then serve it.



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Other Recipes from Fish.

Preliminary Remarks.
Fish Fried In Oil.
Fish Stewed White.
Fish Stewed Brown.
Water Souchy.
Fillets Of Fish.
Baked Haddock.
Baked Mackarel With Vinegar.
Fish Salad.
White Bait.
A Dutch Fricandelle.
Fish Fritters.
Fish Omelet.
Scalloped Fish.
Roman Ragout
Soubise Cutlets
Breakfast Dish Of Beef
Jugged Rabbits
Devilled Meat
Swiss Pates
Veal Shape
Roulades Of Beef
Stewed Sweetbreads