
Almond Pudding, No. 1 Recipe

Almond Pudding, No. 1

The history of almond pudding dates back to ancient times when almonds were first cultivated in the Mediterranean region. Almonds have been prized for their rich, nutty flavor and creamy texture, making them a perfect ingredient for desserts. The recipe for Almond Pudding, No. 1 has been passed down through generations and is known for its simplicity and delicious taste. This pudding has become a classic dessert loved by many.

Fun Fact:
Almonds have been considered a symbol of fertility and luck in many cultures. In ancient Rome, almonds were often included in wedding ceremonies as a representation of a prosperous and fruitful union. It is believed that the tradition of serving almond-flavored desserts, like Almond Pudding, No. 1, during special occasions originated from this belief.


- 7 egg whites
- 10 egg yolks
- 1/2 pound of pulverized sweet almonds
- 1/2 ounce of pounded bitter almonds
- 1/2 pound of powdered sugar
- 1 tablespoon of orange flower water
- Olive oil for greasing
- Powdered sugar for dusting


1. Preheat the oven to a moderate temperature.

2. In a large mixing bowl, beat the egg whites and yolks together until well combined.

3. Add the orange flower water to the beaten eggs and continue to beat until fully incorporated.

4. Gradually add the powdered sugar into the egg mixture while continuing to beat.

5. In a separate bowl, combine the pulverized sweet almonds and pounded bitter almonds.

6. Slowly add the almond mixture into the egg mixture, beating continuously until the batter becomes bubbly. This usually takes about an hour of beating.

7. Grease deep pie dishes with olive oil to prevent sticking. Pour the almond pudding mixture into the dishes.

8. Place the pie dishes in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 30-40 minutes, or until the pudding is set and lightly browned.

9. Once the pudding is cooked, place a greased paper over the top to prevent it from darkening. Allow the pudding to cool completely.

10. Sprinkle powdered sugar generously over the cooled pudding before serving.

If you desire a richer flavor, you can prepare a syrup by boiling a half pound of sugar with half a pint of water until it thickens. Allow the syrup to cool and then pour it over the pudding just before serving.

Similar Recipe Dishes:
- Amaretto Almond Pudding: This variation adds a splash of amaretto liqueur to enhance the almond flavor. The rest of the recipe remains the same.
- Almond Rice Pudding: This comforting dessert combines the creaminess of rice pudding with the nuttiness of almonds. Simply replace the eggs with cooked rice and follow the same steps for almond pudding.
- Almond Custard Tart: For a more decadent treat, spread the almond pudding mixture onto a pre-baked tart crust and cook until set. Serve chilled with a dollop of whipped cream.

While traditionally baked, Almond Pudding, No. 1 can also be prepared by steaming or cooking on a stovetop. The cooking time may vary depending on the method chosen. Whichever method you choose, this almond pudding promises a delightful and indulgent dessert experience.



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