
Apple Sponge Pudding Recipe

Apple Sponge Pudding Recipe:

History and Fun Facts:
Apple Sponge Pudding is a classic dessert that has been enjoyed for generations. It is a delicious combination of tender, sweet apples and a light, fluffy sponge cake. This recipe has its roots in traditional European cuisine, where apples are a popular ingredient in many desserts. The unique aspect of this recipe is the use of the apple itself as a vessel for the filling, making it both visually appealing and flavorful. The apples are carefully prepared and filled with a mixture of sugar, raisins, cinnamon, pounded almonds, and white wine, creating a delightful combination of flavors. The sponge cake batter is then poured over the apples and baked to perfection. The result is a warm, comforting dessert that is perfect for any occasion.


- 8 apples
- Sugar
- Raisins
- Cinnamon
- Pounded almonds
- White wine
- 8 eggs
- 2 scant cups of sugar
- Pinch of salt
- Grated peel of 1 lemon
- 1 cup of matzoth flour, sifted very fine
- Grease for pudding dish
- Wine sauce for serving


1. Pare eight apples and cut off the tops carefully without breaking them. This will serve as covers for the apples.

2. Scrape out the inside of the apples using a knife, being careful not to break the apple.

3. In a bowl, mix the apple scrapings with sugar, raisins, cinnamon, pounded almonds, and a little white wine. Adjust the quantities according to your preferences. This mixture will serve as the filling for the apples.

4. Fill the hollow of each apple with the prepared filling mixture.

5. Place the apple covers back on each apple.

6. Grease a pudding dish to prevent sticking.

7. Arrange the filled apples in the greased pudding dish.

8. Stew the apples for a few minutes, being careful not to overcook them. The apples should be tender but not mushy.

9. In a separate mixing bowl, combine eight eggs, two scant cups of sugar, and a pinch of salt.

10. Add the grated peel of a lemon to the egg mixture and beat until thickened. This process should take at least half an hour to achieve the desired consistency.

11. Fold in a cup of matzoth flour, sifted very fine, to the egg mixture. This will give the batter a light and fluffy texture.

12. Pour the prepared sponge cake batter evenly over the apples in the pudding dish.

13. Preheat the oven to a moderate temperature.

14. Place the pudding dish with the apple and batter mixture in the preheated oven.

15. Bake the Apple Sponge Pudding for the recommended time until the sponge cake is golden brown and cooked through. The baking time may vary depending on your oven, but it is generally around 45 minutes to an hour.

16. While the pudding is baking, prepare the wine sauce to serve with the Apple Sponge Pudding. You can find various recipes for wine sauce that complement this dessert.

17. Once the Apple Sponge Pudding is baked and has a golden crust, remove it from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.

18. Serve the Apple Sponge Pudding warm, accompanied by the wine sauce.

Note: The quantities mentioned in this recipe are suitable for a large family or gathering. If you need a smaller portion, simply halve the ingredients accordingly.

Other Similar Recipes:
- Apple Crisp: A popular dessert that combines sliced apples with a crispy oat topping.
- Apple Tart: A classic pastry dish with a flaky crust and a sweet apple filling.
- Apple Cobbler: A comforting dessert made with a biscuit-like topping and a warm apple filling.
- Apple Pie: One of the most beloved desserts, with a buttery crust and a sweet apple filling.
- Apple Bread Pudding: A twist on traditional bread pudding, with diced apples added to the mix for added flavor and texture.
- Apple Cinnamon Muffins: A delicious breakfast or snack option, with chunks of apple and a hint of cinnamon in every bite.

Experimenting with these variations will allow you to enjoy the delightful taste of apples in different forms, adding variety to your baking endeavors.



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