Cream Of Chicken Or Fowl Recipe
For this purpose fowls are preferable, because the breasts are larger.
Take two chickens, cut off the breast, and roast them; the remainder put
in a stewpan with two pounds of the sinewy part of a knuckle of veal.
Boil the whole together to make a little clear good broth: when the
breasts are roasted, and your broth made, take all the white of the
breast, put it in a small stewpan, and add to it the broth clean and
clear. It will be better to cut the white of the chickens quite fine,
and, when you find that it is boiled soft, proceed in the same manner as
for cream of rice and pass it. Just in the same way, make it of the
thickness you judge proper, and warm in the same manner as the cream of
rice: put in a little salt if it is approved of.