Truss your pigeons as for boiling. Take pepper, salt, cloves, mace, some
sweet-herbs, a little grated bread, and the liver of the birds chopped
very fine; roll these up in a bit of butter, put it in the stomach of
the pigeons, and tie up both ends. Make some butter hot in your stewpan,
fry the pigeons in it till they are brown all over, putting to them two
or three blades of mace, a few peppercorns, and one shalot. Take them
out of the liquor, dust a little flour into the stewpan, shaking it
about till it is brown. Have ready a quart of small gravy and a glass of
white wine; let it just boil up: strain out all the spice, and put the
gravy and pigeons into the stewpan. Let them simmer over the fire two
hours; put in some pickled mushrooms, a little lemon juice, a spoonful
of ketchup, a few truffles and morels. Dish and send to table with bits
of bacon grilled. Some persons add forcemeat balls, but they are very
rich without.