
Another Way Recipe

Cut the lean part of a leg of veal into thin collops; beat them with the

back of a knife; season with pepper and salt, shred thyme and parsley,

and flour them well. Reserve some of the meat to make balls. Taking as

much suet as meat, shred it small; then beat it in a mortar; season with

pepper, salt, shred herbs, a little shred onion, and a little allspice.

Put in an egg or two, according to the quantity. Make balls, and fry

them in good dripping; keep them warm. Then fry your collops with

clarified butter, till they are brown enough; and, while they are

warming in the pan, put in your sauce, which must be made thus:--have

some good glaze, a little white wine, a good piece of butter, and two

yolks of eggs. Put your balls to the collops; flour and make them very

hot in the pan; put in your sauce, shake them well, and let them boil.

If you would have them white, put strong broth instead of glaze and half

a pint of cream.



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