Beef Or Black Soup Recipe
The shank of beef is the best part for soup--cold roast beef bones, and
beef steak, make very good soup. Boil the shank four or five hours in
water, enough to cover it. Half an hour before the soup is put on the
table, take up the meat, thicken the soup with scorched flour, mixed
with cold water, season it with salt, pepper, cloves, mace, a little
walnut, or tomato catsup improves it, put in sweet herbs or herb spirit
if you like. Some cooks boil onions in the soup, but as they are very
disagreeable to many persons, it is better to boil and serve them up in
a dish by themselves. Make force meat balls of part of the beef and
pork, season them with mace, cloves, pepper, and salt, and boil them in
the soup fifteen minutes.