Beef Tea Recipe
Broil a pound of fresh lean beef ten minutes--then cut it into small
bits, turn a pint of boiling water on it, and let it steep in a warm
place half an hour--then strain it, and season the tea with salt and
pepper to the taste. This is a quick way of making the tea, but it is
not so good, when the stomach will bear but a little liquid on it, as
the following method: Cut the beef into small bits, which should be
perfectly free from fat--fill a junk bottle with them, cork it up tight,
and immerse it in a kettle of lukewarm water, and boil it four or five
hours. This way is superior to the first, on account of obtaining the
juices of the meat, unalloyed with water, a table-spoonful of it being
as nourishing as a tea-cup full of the other.