Cocoanut Pie Recipe
Cut off the brown part of the cocoanut--grate the white part, and mix it
with milk, and set it on the fire, and let it boil slowly eight or ten
minutes. To a pound of the grated cocoanut allow a quart of milk, eight
eggs, four table-spoonsful of sifted white sugar, a glass of wine, a
small cracker, pounded fine, two table-spoonsful of melted butter, and
half a nutmeg. The eggs and sugar should be beaten together to a froth,
then the wine stirred in. Put them into the milk and cocoanut, which
should be first allowed to get quite cool--add the cracker and
nutmeg--turn the whole into deep pie plates, with a lining and rim of
puff paste. Bake them as soon as turned into the plates.